Personal injury trials are relatively uncommon. As reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BLS), only a small percentage of these cases are actually resolved through litigation. A settlement is more likely than a judgment/verdict. This raises an important question: How long will it take my personal injury claim to settle? The somewhat satisfying answer is “it depends”—anything from two months to more than a year is within the normal range. A personal injury attorney can help you evaluate your specific case to get a better understanding of the likely timeline. Here, our Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer highlights the general timeline for a personal injury claim. 

Personal Injury Settlement Process Varies (A Few Months to One Year Normal)

As a starting point, it is useful to understand how long personal injury settlement negotiations typically take in Oklahoma. They can vary widely based on the specific situation. On the shorter end of the spectrum, a personal injury case that is more “simple” or “straightforward” may conclude within a few months. On the longer end of the spectrum, it is not uncommon for a serious accident to lead to settlement negotiations that take more than one year to be finalized. Of course, if the case does require a lawsuit—and even more so if a trial is needed—then the personal injury claims process will take even more time. 

Three Main Reasons Why it Can Take Longer to Settle a Personal Injury Claim

Why does a settlement take longer in certain personal injury claims? It depends on many case-driven factors. With that being said, there are three main reasons why a personal injury claim in Oklahoma City could take longer to reach a settlement: 

  1. Serious Injuries: As a baseline, it is useful to keep in mind that the severity of a person’s injuries is strongly but not perfectly correlated with the length of the settlement process. In other words, when injuries from an accident are severe, the settlement process typically takes longer. The reason is that all parties—the victim and the defendant or insurer—must fully understand the extent of the injuries and settlement. Indeed, you should not settle a personal injury case until you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). Additionally, serious injuries are often high-value claims. Defendants and insurers tend to be especially strict in reviewing these cases. 
  2. Disputes Over Liability: Another common reason why the settlement process for a personal injury claim in Oklahoma can slow down is a dispute over liability. Fault matters in personal injury cases. A delay in settlement may occur when there is disagreement over who is at fault for the accident. Both parties may present conflicting evidence—the accident often requires a thorough investigation, and it may even require the involvement of an accident reconstruction expert. Insurers are less inclined to settle until liability is clearly established. These disputes can lead to lengthy settlement negotiations. 
  3. Waiting to Hire a Lawyer: Finally, it can take far longer to get a settlement if you wait to speak to an Oklahoma City personal injury attorney. Protect your rights: Consult with a top-tier personal injury attorney right away after a serious accident in Oklahoma. Without legal representation, an injured victim may not effectively navigate the complexities of the claims process or advocate for their full legal rights. Your Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer can expedite the process by organizing the necessary documentation and proactively engaging with insurance adjusters. 

The Goal is a Full and Fair Settlement—Not Just a Fast Settlement

Following a bad accident in Oklahoma City, it is normal to want to move forward with your life. The impulse is to get a settlement as fast as possible so that you can start putting the pieces back together. It is understandable—but it is also important to remember that the best result is a full and fair personal injury settlement, not merely a fast settlement. Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to take advantage of a victim’s natural disposition to want to settle the case by offering quick, lowball settlements. Make sure you are getting full and fair compensation for your damages. 

Contact Our Oklahoma City Personal Injury Lawyer for a Free Case Review

At McGuire Law Firm, our Oklahoma City personal injury attorneys go above and beyond when fighting for justice. It is our mission to help you secure the absolute maximum possible financial compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to set up a free case review with no strings attached. We fight for the rights of injured victims in Oklahoma City and throughout the wider region.