How Can I Get a Car Accident Report in Oklahoma City?

If you have been injured in a car accident or other motor vehicle crash, obtaining an accident report can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. An official Oklahoma City accident report will document the accident’s details and may contain critical elements that will help you win your case. Immediately After the Accident Before… read more

Do I Need a Lawyer If I Was Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Oklahoma City?

Motorcycles can be a great way to get around in Oklahoma. They’re an economical, environmentally friendly, and of course fun mode of transportation.  However, they can also be significantly more dangerous than cars and trucks. In fact, while only 20 percent of those involved in car accidents are injured or die as a result, an… read more

What to Wear to Court

Most people have very limited experience inside of courtrooms. They may have watched Law and Order or other shows and movies that depict courtroom scenes on T.V., but for a significant percentage of the population, a courtroom is a place they have never been. If you are headed to court for the first time, either… read more

Is It A Mistake to Admit Fault After a Car Accident in Oklahoma City?

One of the most common mistakes individuals make after a car accident is admitting fault. Thinking they are doing the noble thing by apologizing for the accident they believe they caused. In reality, what they are doing is making it impossible for themselves to collect damages later on.  “But wait a minute, what if I… read more

If Airbags Didn’t Deploy in a Car Accident, is the Car Company Liable?

Several parties could share liability for car accident injuries. The driver who caused the accident could be liable for damages caused by the crash. However, the car company could be liable if a car defect contributed to the cause of the accident. In some cases, the manufacturer of a car part could be liable if… read more

Five Things to Know About Car Accident Settlement Agreements

When another party causes your car accident, you might be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries, losses, and other damages. The insurance company for the at-fault driver pays the car accident claim in most cases. The insurance company offers a settlement amount for the accident victim’s damages. When you settle with the insurance company,… read more

Can I Bring a Personal Injury Claim on Behalf of a Child?

One of a parent’s worst nightmares is their child being injured. The first priority is to obtain medical care for the child and provide emotional support. However, it is also important to protect a child’s legal rights.  Children injured in an accident can sustain life-threatening and permanent injuries. When a negligent party causes those injuries,… read more

What Should I Do if My Child Was Hurt in a Car Accident?

Every year hundreds of children die in car accidents across the country. As recently as 2018, at least 116,000 kids were injured in some way as the result of a car accident. These are more than just numbers, they represent families whose lives have been altered, in some cases irrevocably, by motor vehicle collisions.  While… read more

The Effects and Consequences of the Mirena Crash for Women

More than 2 million women across the world use Mirena, an intrauterine device. In fact, Mirena is one of the most-prescribed intrauterine devices in the US. It does, however, come with many short-term and long-term side effects that can be disastrous for the health of countless women. IUD Removal and Mirena Crash The preventative measure… read more

9 Things You Should Know About a Free Lawyer Consultation

When you are injured in an accident, it can be difficult to know whether or not you need to hire an OKC personal injury lawyer. For example, do you need a car accident lawyer if you only suffered mild injuries in an accident? On the other hand, do you need a lawyer to file a… read more