The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office reports that there were 762 confirmed motor vehicle accident fatalities in the state in 2021 alone. A disproportionate share of deadly crashes happen on highways. You may be wondering: What Oklahoma highways cause the most fatalities each year? The short answer is that our state’s busiest highways tend to be the most risky. Here, our Oklahoma City auto accident attorney highlights some of the most dangerous highways in our region.

Highways Cause the Most Fatalities

Interstate-40 (I-40)

I-40 is the busiest highway in Oklahoma. It stretches from the eastern to the western borders of the state, passing through Oklahoma City and many other communities on the way. Notably, it is a major artery connecting the state with key destinations like Fort Smith, Arkansas, to the east and Amarillo, Texas, to the west. I-40 is bust and loaded with large commercial trucks, particularly in the Oklahoma City metro area. Unfortunately, I-40 sees more than its fair share of deadly crashes. 

Interstate-35 (I-35)

I-35 is the second busiest highway in Oklahoma. runs north to south, connecting Oklahoma with Kansas to the north and Texas to the south. Notably, the highway crosses through Oklahoma City and Norman. Congestion can be a common issue, especially during peak hours and holiday seasons. Similar to I-40, serious crashes are a big problem on I-35. 

Interstate-44 (I-44)

I-44 travels diagonally from the southwest corner of Oklahoma to the northeast. It passes through big cities such as Oklahoma City and Tulsa, which can be especially busy for motorists in or near those two metropolitan areas. The highway also forms part of the historic and scenic route to St. Louis. There are some toll-road sections of Interstate-44 in Oklahoma. 

The Turner Turnpike

The Turner Turnpike is the name for a stretch of highway that connects our state’s two largest cities: Oklahoma City and Tulsa. It is named after Roy J. Turner, who was the Governor of Oklahoma from 1947 to 1951. A key feature of The Turner Turnpike is that it is a toll road. That can cause traffic congestion at a lower level than some other major highways in our region. With that being said, the maximum speed limit on the Turner Turnpike is 75 miles per hour, and the road has been associated with heightened levels of speeding. 

State Highway 9 (SR-9)

State Highway 9 stretches east to west across southern Oklahoma, linking the Arkansas border with the city of Norman before extending to the Texas state line. While less congested than the interstate routes, SR-9 is still busy and sees plenty of major crashes. 

Contact Our Oklahoma City Highway Car Crash Attorney for a Free Consultation

At McGuire Law Firm, our Oklahoma auto accident lawyers handle even the most serious of highway crashes. If you or your loved one was involved in a catastrophic crash on I-40 or any other highway in Oklahoma, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free, confidential case review. With offices in Oklahoma City and Edmond, we represent injured victims throughout Oklahoma.